Hi, INFJs!
I've recently discovered this website and I'm really happy to be able to talk to people similar to me ☺️
I am wondering if there are any artists who feel passionate about what they do (no matter if your art is drawing/painting, writing, making music or whatever) but can't get the confidence to show their art to the world. You know, you feel your art, you put your heart in it and kinda feel it is valuable in a way, but you're struggling with deciding to show it or try to sell a painting or publish a book etc. Maybe because you are afraid of some possible judgement, maybe you just can't start because you don't know how, maybe you don't even know what is holding you back.
Or maybe someone has already got through this 'beginner phase' and could share sth about it?
I am really curious about it since I am an artist and I strugle a lot with showing my paintings. I always need some validation from my family and friends but it is hard for me to show my works even to them. Oftentimes, in my head I have a really cool idea with a deep meaning inspired by many things or full of symbolism. And I think to myself 'wow, it's genius, it will be fun and I'm gonna love it!' + 'I can finally express myself in a way". However, when I think of showing it to anyone, I'm afraid that people won't like the painting, maybe I will realise it's not as good as it seemed to me and I can't decide what to do, I get shy about my work and I fear I won't ever succeed in this field.
Sorry for such a long text 😅 But I hope someone will be willing to share their thoughts.
Greetings from Poland
I suffer from similar issues. Wanted to sell my art recently but felt awkward about it.